+62 21 75915813 (Jakarta), +62 361 8477490 (Bali) infojkt@layurveda.com infobali@layurveda.com
Our New Service

Distant Divya Ausadh Reiki Therapy

Our latest offering to you is Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki Distance Healing, an unique way that enables you to get the benefit of Reiki, fresh universal energy on daily basis wherever you are! Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki is a healing system that channel universal energy into one’s body thus clearing blockages and restoring balance thus improving holistic health. L’Ayurveda presents our new service which enables you to get the benefit of Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki everyday, everywhere through Distance Healing!


Our therapist will channel the Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki, universal energy to you every morning (Indonesian Time)


No matter where you are, the Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki, universal energy will energize you!


No need to concentrate or focus! Let the  Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki, universal energy works.
What People are Saying

It's energizing!

“Reiki Treatment at L’ayurveda is very beneficial for me and my son Rayhan. When both of us feel not healthy, we directly ask for that Reiki treatment at L’Ayurveda. Especially since my son, Rayhan doesn’t like to go to doctor and take pharmaceutical medication. He insists on Reiki and thanks God, usually he starts getting better after Reiki. Reiki even helps us when we are very exhausted, just 3 sessions (on 3 consecutive days) of Reiki can freshen up and energize us! ” – Lady, Indonesia/Housewife

Reiki managed my pain!

“I was in excruciating pain for several days and when I consulted to doctor, the diagnosis is bad spreading of myoma and cyst in my uterus! Doctor suggested hysterectomy (uterus removal) but I wanted to try other treatment because I’m still young and childless. My husband suggested me to visit L’Ayurveda to at least deal with the pain. After three sessions of Reiki in three consecutive days, I found some dark brown discharge from my vagina. Initially I was shocked but the pain was much more subside after that! Wonderful!” Sari, Indonesia/Housewife

It's magical!!!

“It’s a metaphysical experience! Once my wife didn’t want to go home for days, seems like she was under “mind-control”. When I met her at her uncle’s house, she didn’t respond well; her eyes are unfocused and her speech are so slow. Even when our children begged, she insisted on not going home with us. I was desperate! I contacted therapist of L’Ayurveda for help and she did distant Reiki therapy on her. Thanks, God! It’s magical! She went home and back to normal!” Made, Indonesia/Entrepreneur

Improves Health

“I brought my wife to L’Ayurveda since she had bad health issues that cause the right side of her body almost paralyzed and speech impaired. Ma Archana suggested her to have 7 sessions of Reiki. I am very grateful because those really helped her: She started to talk and walk normally again!” – Tri, Indonesia/Retiree

The Benefit of Fresh Universal Energy: Everyday & Everywhere!

The word Divya Ausadh comes from Sanskrit; Divya means “Divine” and Ausadh means “Healing”. Reiki comes from Japanese; Rei which means “Universal/Divine” and Ki which means “Life Energy”. It’s believed when one’s Ki is strong and free flowing, the body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy become weak or blocked, it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance. This therapy can help supporting the body to facilitate an environment for Body/Mind/Emotion Healing and Soul Development.

Get the Benefit NOW!

IDR 245,000 ($17 USD)/session

Special Package
☘️Min. 7 days in a row: IDR 1,715,000 IDR 1,543,500 ($108 USD)
☘️Min. 10 days in a row: IDR 2,450,000 only IDR 1,960,000 ($136 USD)

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We will instruct you about the payment & suggestion to boost the benefit on you.

DISCLAIMER: Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki Distant Therapy is a complimentary therapy. Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki Distant Therapy is not meant to replace treatment from a licensed medical or psychological health care provider. Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki Reiki Distant Therapy is given for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation to promote healing. Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe, perform medical treatment, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki Distant Therapy has a cumulative benefit. It is supportive of well-being in every way. While Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki Distant Therapy supports wellness for the physical, emotional and mental body, it is not a “magic cure” and is no replacement for licensed medical treatment. Each and all clients who ask for Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki Distant Therapy understand that Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki Distant Therapy provided by L’Ayurveda are provided by his/her/their request. Each and all clients who ask for Divya Ausadh Neo Zen Reiki Distant Therapy understand that L’Ayurveda is not responsible for the outcome of the therapy.

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